We are moving the Great Plains IDEA Annual Conference to an online format. The GP IDEA staff has tried to anticipate some of your questions and provide easy-to-find answers in this FAQ. If you don't see your question, chances are you aren't the only person wondering it, so please contact us by emailing Kathryn Harth.
What does it mean to move an in-person conference to an online conference?
Rather than meeting face-to-face in Kansas City, we will use Zoom to schedule virtual meetings. You will still need to register for the parts of the conference you plan to attend and arrive on time at your scheduled meetings by using a URL to get into your Zoom meeting space.
We've created unique opportunities for you to learn and engage during our virtual conference. Visit the schedule page to learn more.
When is my program meeting?
Program meetings will take place on Monday-Wednesday, March 1-3 and are posted on the schedule webpage.
How do I access my program meeting if it's online?
We will be using Zoom to conduct our virtual meetings. Each program will have a unique URL just for their virtual meeting room. URLs will be shared through the Member Portal.
How do I register for the virtual conference?
Register using our online registration form. There is no cost to register.
How do I know if my registration went through?
After you register using our online form, you will automatically be sent an email from Kathryn Harth with the subject line "2021 Virtual Conference Registration." The email will include a summary of your registration.
If you need to make changes to your registration, please contact Kathryn Harth.
How much does this virtual conference cost?
This online version of the annual conference is free to attend. We do ask that you register for the meetings and events you will attend using our online registration form.
Who should attend the virtual conference?
Administrators, faculty, staff, and campus coordinators from member universities are invited to this virtual conference. These are all of the same people who are invited to attend when the conference is face-to-face.
You mean I have to wait another year to eat one of those delicious chocolate bars?
We are working on a plan. Stay tuned!
When will the 2022 conference be taking place?
The 2022 conference will take place February 27-March 2 at the Kansas City Marriott on the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, Missouri.