
Undergraduate Certificate

Core Courses

Basic disciplines and concepts involved in swine production including: industry structure, trends and statistics; production phases and buildings; genetic improvement; reproduction; nutrition; health and biosecurity; nutrient management; marketing and meat quality; and career opportunities in the swine industry.
Effective employee management in swine production units. Assist students in understanding the principles, policies, and practices related to procurement, development, maintenance, and utilization of employees.
Overview of standard biosecurity protocols and identification of behavior and clinical signs of illness in pigs. Treatment administration and prevention methods. Introduction to immune system function and basic swine disease transmission.
Advanced integration and application of reproductive management concepts during farrowing and lactation. Identification of production trends; formulation of strategies to improve productivity; and parturition and neonatal management.
Concepts related to: reproductive physiology and endocrinology of boars and sows; genetic selection programs; development programs for future replacement gilts and boars; semen collection, evaluation, and preparation; detection of estrus and artificial insemination; pregnancy diagnosis; feeding and housing programs for gestating sows; environmental management; records; diseases; and development of quality assurance programs for identifying and solving reproductive problems.
Overview of the critical management, housing, and financial considerations relevant to the successful operation of a swine nursery, grow-finish, or wean to finish enterprise, including: nutrient requirements; building and facility management; and marketing.

Elective Courses

Application of basic scientific principles to the economical production of pork. Recommendations are made in breeding, reproduction, nutrition, health, housing, marketing, and management of swine production units of varying sizes.
Evaluation of issues facing today’s swine industry including: welfare, nutrient management, and food safety and security. Development of skills needed for effective community relations such as media interviews and message points.
Specialized work on an individual basis, consisting of training and practice and actual service in a swine production operation.
A comprehensive view of industry structure and trends and marketing options available in the swine industry. Management of risk between markets and/or contracts.
Pre- and post-harvest factors affecting pork product quality and safety. Overview of pork harvesting process and traits and characteristics of quality pork products.
Response of swine to thermal environment, ventilation system design and analysis, heating and cooling systems and examples of various designs for all phases of production. Troubleshooting ventilation systems and energy analysis of production units.
Principles of feed manufacturing, equipment operation, feed and ingredient quality assurance and regulatory compliance in a modern feed milling operation. Overview of feed mill regulations and safety.
Function, application, and advantages and disadvantages of nutrient management systems. Manure production rates, manure handling systems, storage and manure management planning for land application and odor mitigation strategies.
Principles of developing and implementing a swine feeding program. Fundamentals of feeding pigs; including nutrients, factors affecting nutrient recommendations, feeding systems and management, feed ingredients, and formulation of swine diets.
Program Summary
Cost per credit hour:

2023-2024: $435
2024-2025: $440

Learn more about the Tuition and Cost

12 Hours

University Contact
These campus coordinators can help you navigate Great Plains IDEA. Click on the university name to learn more about how Great Plains IDEA works at that campus. Iowa State Online
Ashley Schultz
Sarah (Heewon) Kim
Janice Clawson
University Members
Members of the Great Plains IDEA are universities accredited by a regional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Member universities recruit, admit and graduate students, teach in an academic program and contribute to the leadership and maintenance of the alliance. Membership in the alliance is a selective process that engages institutional leadership at all levels.

Huang_Shaojun_Headshot_for_Website1.pngHaving an integrated financial strategy for families has become increasingly important for families to stabilize their finances, especially during the pandemic. Acquiring professional knowledge on how to well manage family wealth has motivated me to pursue a master’s degree program in family financial planning and become a professional financial planner. The Great Plains IDEA program offers me a great path to this academic field and to gain the skills to help people protect financial resources.

– – Shaojun Huang, Family Financial Planning Graduate,
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