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Marni Shoemaker

Shoemaker, Marni
Faculty Photo
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South Dakota State University
SDSU School of HCS 1060 Campanile Ave. Box 2275A
Brookings, SD 57007

University Profile


Dr. Shoemaker is an Assistant Professor in the School of Health and Consumer Sciences and a Registered Dietitian. Her research involves both nutrition and exercise physiology by focusing on how nutrition and exercise impact skeletal muscle health across the lifespan to improve performance and health outcomes. She has performed research looking at nutrition and performance in youth and college-age athletes and nutritional deficiencies with aging. She has also examined metabolic and muscle oxygenation characteristics of sarcopenic older adults. Overall, her research aims on improving skeletal muscle health as a whole throughout different populations to best promote productivity, longevity, and quality of life.

Dr. Shoemaker teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in nutrition and sports nutrition. She is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and certified as a USA-weightlifting coach, aiming to bring both nutritional and exercise instruction together in both research and applied settings.


Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso, 2022
M.S. in Nutrition and Health Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015
B.A. in Biology and Exercise Science, Augustana College, 2013